Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bumbo Time!

 A few pics and a few new things going on around here...

Seth is 3 months old today!  He is also strong enough to sit in the bumbo seat.  He loves it in there and it is nice for us to have somewhere else to sit him now!  He just looks so cute sitting up in it.  Hannah loves him in there and is always asking if he can sit in the "bum-bum" , as she calls it!  

I love this pic of my 2 favorite men!  Most people think Seth looks a lot like Nate!  I agree!

 With the weather getting a little nicer lately, we went for our 1st walk in the double stroller!!!  I loved it!  I felt so proud pushing BOTH of my babies!

 This is one of Hannah's new favorite snacks...dipping graham crackers in milk.  She often asks if she can "dip"!!  She also graduated from her high chair into her booster seat at the table.  She is such a big girl!!

Tummy time
 Seth tolerates tummy time, but he really loves to lay on his back, hit the toys with his hands, and STARE at the flashing star light that hangs above him on his playmat!! 

Seth's 3 month pic with Maya
  A few things about the kids...
Hannah is really really into puppies right now. At the library they have a dog statue and Hannah LOVES it!  She sat and read it books for at least 30 minutes the other day and was continually asking for treats and bones to give it.  It was really cute.  Reading books is definitely one of her favorite things to do right now.  She always wants to read books first thing when she wakes up and spends a lot of time just "reading" out loud on her own.  Her favorite books right now are the "Spot" dog books.  She is also really into looking at pictures of family members and saying all of their names.  Throughout the day she will think of someone in our family and just start saying their is sweet.  I could go on and on with Hannah stories. She is just doing so many things all the time!  Seth is doing well too.  Staying awake and alert a good portion of the day with lots of smiles on his face. We couldn't be more thankful. 


JeffandTiffanyClark said...

umm soooooooooooooooooooo cute. SERIOUSLY. I love the picture of Seth smiling and then the one of Nate and Seth! Such a great picture!!! And such an adorable little Hannah. We already miss you guys. Maybe we can go out for dinner in Muncie sometime soon!

Unknown said...

Love the new pics!!!! they kids are getting so big!!
Hope all is well with you all!!
How is life with 2 instead of 1!!!

Also i noticed in your side bar w/all the blogs you follow, you have the chavarria's-but that isn't us!! ours is:
And my recipe blog is:

Have a great week!!