Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Stuff

 Seth is almost 10 months old, and just like the past couple of months, he keeps becoming more and more active :)  He is very sweet natured and almost always on the move!   Some things about out little dude...

-He is not cautious in the least bit.  He finds his way around, down, or up things in his way and is starting to let us know he is not happy! He likes to give high fives,  makings a rolling tongue noise,   picks up and throw balls,  loves to wrestle with Nate,  climbs up onto the dishwasher when it is open and goes up/down stairs,   he is mostly eating all table food now, likes to cruise around with something in his mouth,  likes to stand on his knees,  can stand 5-10 seconds on his own and will sometimes attempt to take a step,  loves to walk with a push toy or holding your hands, doesn't mind having water dumped on his head in the bath,   crawls up your leg when he wants to be held,  diaper changes are very difficult,  does not like the process of putting clothes on,  good sleeper,  has 4 teeth and 2 on their way in, and just goes with the flow. Love him so much!

A few things about our Hannah... She LOVES birthdays!   She is starting to really like princesses and asks to watch videos of them on the touch everyday!  The other night I was going to be gone and whenever I would ask her what she wanted to do with Nate that night, she kept saying "watch princesses"  (and they did ! )!  She likes  to eat her "vi-vi"  aka vitamin,  she loves popcorn and pink lemonade,  and gets excited about macaroni and cheese!  She loves piggy back rides,  she always ask to read "Zacchaeus" and "Paul and Silas" in her bible,  she also asks for the Zacchaeus song often,  she finds H's everywhere and says "H for Hannah",  she can recognize her name in writing,  sometimes when you call her sweetie or something like that she will say, "No, I'm Hannah Clark", according to Hannah her blankie is named Bobby Clark,  she prays for different people all the time including Baby Bop and Barney, she loves to go through my makeup, she is really into putting on her own shoes and socks, she likes to cheer at Nate's football games (and put a pink colander on her head as a helmet), she tries to sit on the potty with little success, we are working on the whiny side of her, but she is sweet sweet sweet! 

after Nate's football game, she kept saying this was her helmet
A few more pictures...Enjoy :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

State Fair

At the circus show!  Hannah still talks about the elephants, goats hopping on the guy's back, the clown with red nose and blue hair, and the princess!

Checking out all the animals in the barn

Handsome little guy

Eating our fair food!

Looking at the fish in the DNR Pavilion

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 Feeding the goats!  Hannah was excited to see them but didn't wan to get to close.  Seth stuck his hand out right away to feed them!

Back in August, we spent a day at the Indiana State Fair!  The kids loved all the animals and things to look at.  Nate and I especially liked the fair food :)  It was a fun family day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lake with the Ringgers AND Clarks

The other weekend we were able to spend a day at the lake with both sets of grandparents! Hannah and Seth of course LOVED every minute of it, and so did we.  Here are some pictures to recap the lake experience!
Looking at stars with Papa Jack
Bedtime story with Maggie (Grandma) and Papa Jack

Getting ready to go on the boat!

Hannah, CJ, and Naomi (good family friends)

Seth on the boat with Maggie (He fell asleep during the ride!)

Hannah and Grandma...Hannah always says " I want to go fast!"

Seth swimming in the pool! 

Hannah and Maggie

Grandma swimming with Seth

The whole gang...Papa Jack, Maggie, Seth, Naomi, PawPaw, Grandma, CJ, Nate, Erica, Hannah

Kids with both Grandparents!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Last Couple of Months...

The kids have been growing up so fast!  Here are some new things about our toddler and baby! 

Hannah: She is  2 yrs 4 months (but if you ask her, she is 2 1/2. Daddy taught her that a little early :).  She is very friendly, but sometimes it takes her a little while to warm up.  She always has way more fun in a small group of kids, unless she is with her cousins and then she is totally herself! She likes to help me cook in the kitchen.  When at the park, she finally goes up the stairs and down the slide by herself without me watching.  She is still not able to jump off the ground, ha, but she does like to try to jump, LOVES to run with her little arms swinging,  and really dances when we are at library story time!  She still spends most of her play time reading books, pretending to talk on the phone, or talking to her baby dolls and taking care of them.  If she catches me watching her  when she is in her "own world", she usually asks me to "talk to Daddy", or "play with Seth", or something like that. It is funny.  Her most used phrases..."Little bit",  "I'll be back",  "umm, sure", "I want to go fast",  "  a question and then "ok?" , "Come in", when she wants us to come to her room,  "Help you", "Hold you", and " Hannah's turn"!  Lastly,  I have been letting her give Seth his bottle or push him in the stroller once in awhile.  This makes her SO happy!  She is such a sweetie!

Seth:  He is going to be 9 months old tomorrow.  I remember this bittersweet feeling when Hannah got to be about this age.  I love all the things he is doing and how is personality is coming out, but then I get sad because he doesn't seem like a baby anymore!  Time really just goes to fast and is so precious with our little guy.   The first few months of Seth's life, I couldn't tell much of a difference between him and Hannah.  That definitely changed! He is all boy, really strong and very active :)  He is into exploring everything, crawling, climbing, cruising, walking with a push toy!  He is very sweet natured, will cuddle with me,  and is a VERY happy baby. He giggles at peek-a-boo, when Hannah roars at him,  and when he is ticked!   In the last few weeks, he has started a new grunting noise,  learned to clap,  loves to eat finger foods,  likes to stand at the window,  discovered that Hannah has JUICE in her sippy cup which tastes a lot better than water :), loves to lift toys and his arms in the air, will reach out to be held, learned how to stand in the bathtub (not a good thing! ), 2 new top teeth (totaling 4),  and will sit and let me read a couple books to him in the morning before he is on the move.  We love him so much!

Ok, and now some pics!

We tried to sleep in a tent...when Hannah was still up at 11:30 we decided the tent can be for play, not sleep. 

Hannah and Great Grandma Witzig

Visiting Great Grandma and Grandpa Witzig in Illinois

Seth and Maya at 8 months

I love this picture!  Seth 8 months