Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Us as a Family of 5

 Well, life has been busier and better than ever since little Hope made her arrival!  Although sleep has been hard to come by, we have been having so much fun.  I can't believe how quickly the days and weeks fly by.  Hope is already 6 weeks old...wow.  Hannah and I are starting to plan her 4 year old birthday...ah!  And Seth, well he is our sweet silly crazy 2 year old :)  Here are some pictures of our last few weeks together. 
 Lots of loving on Hope...

 Nate and Hannah went to a "Princess Ball".  Hannah had the time of her life.  She got her picture taken with most of the princesses and danced with Sleeping Beauty for 45 minutes!  Nate said she didn't even care about him, just was mesmerized by the princesses. 

 Newborn Sleep...she is making some good stretches at night (usually at least one 5-6 hour stretch, couple times even up to 8 hours)  and still takes a nap between each feeding during the day.  She has developed a more predictable schedule...eat, wake for up to an hour, sleep until the next feeding (eats about every 3 hours during the day).  We sneak in naps with her when we can :)

 I love her baby stretches!  I don't want to forget what this looked like. 

 Hannah is still totally in love with Hope. 

She likes her hands up by her face, so I conveniently place them in front of her paci to hold it in :)

 Look at this big boy, I can't believe how old he looks in this pic! 
 Finger painting...

Hannah and Hope again...

Nate took the kids sledding when it snowed the other week.  Hope and I watched from the car. 

 Maggie's birthday party...

Hope 1 month with Maya

love these 3

Being Daddy's helper
 Eating "Snow" Ice cream.  They didn't like it very much so we added sprinkles which always makes things better. 

Hope 5 weeks
 PawPaw's 60th Birthday Party
Sweet swaddled baby girl
 Good Night!